Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mike Tyson - Famous Boxer

BZ has learned that Mike Tyson is a very strong supporter of the Jewish State. Born in a heavily Jewish Populated area (Catskills NY) - Mike Tyson has urged his fans to buy Israelie Bonds and to support candidates who are strong supporters of Israel.


Anonymous said...

This is hard to belive - I doubt Mike Tyson even has one fan - let alone knows where Israel is on a map

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I dont belive mike tyson likes israel - hey bz - what are your sources?

Anonymous said...

Tyson trained in Catskill, NY which is not at all Jewish...he is from NYC.

Anonymous said...

im sure he knows alot of jews from the catskills - who knows though if this is true -

Anonymous said...

LOL I doubt it, Mike Tyson is Muslem, he converted a while back. Can't say I've met one muslem that supports Zionism.

rooachemet3 said...

some jewISH people are racist,skeptical, hypocrits who want to judge "black" people's awakening to their true identity as Israelites. Stealing palestine and labeling everyone who retaliates calls them on their bullying and slaveholding, antisemetic and terrorist; jewish judaism is a religion like islam that anyone can convert to if they are accepted and usually are not by european jewish people;just tolerated and doubted perpetually. Iron Mike is Israelite by blood (like Moses) like the lemba in south africa see deuteronomy 28: no conversion necessary! Iron Mike is a decendent of slaves as prophesied in deuteronomy 28 and; jewish people did not arrive anywhere in chains on ships and suffer the way "blacks" have according to deuteronomy 28. many jewish people are admittedly of ashkenazic or sephardic origin, neither of which is of semetic origin in genesis. Ashkenaz and sephards come from japhet. liars! there is enough YAHWEH for everyone (isaiah 56), but to make the world believe that european "jewish" people are the people spoken of in old testament is inaccurate and wrong. Iron Mike is not Jewish, neither was Moses: Iron Mike and Moses are Israelites. Those that wrote doubtsabout Iron Mike's culture and nationality should but probably won't be ashamed of their critical and harsh tones toward him, and owe him an apology as well as everyone that had to read their derogatory comments.

rooachemet3 said...

it would probably hurt the previous bloggers that berated Iron Mike to give him any kudos at all for reforming his life and following the same Creator that they should be serving (YAHWEH). I may be wrong in assuming that the previous bloggers r all jewish, but who else would be so vehemently against Iron MIke's pursuit of truth (ie: knowledge of himself and YAHWEH.) is it just me, or do some jewish people make extreme comments like Iron Mike doesn"t have one fan, or what difference would it make if he liked israel or not? liking the land and liking the people that run it r two different things. Iron mike is a changed man that is seeking peace, support him or at least don"t throw stones and then hide behind "anonymous". cowARDS. WHERE'S UR MORALS THAT U SHOULD HAVE LEAARNED IN UR RELIGION (PREVIOUS 6 BLOGGERS)SUCH AS DON'T HATE THE STRANGER BEC U WERE STRANGERS IN EGYPT, AND LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF? OR DON'T BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR, OR DON'T GO AS A TALEBEARER. IT IS ALSO CRIMINAL THAT YaHWeH AKA YaHoWaH'S NAMES ARE NOT USED BY MANY IN PRAYER AS IT IS ACTUALLY WRITTEN IN THE HEBREW PRAYERS AND SCRIPTURES AND IS INCORRECTLY TRANSLATED AS "LORD" IN ENGLISH; INSTEAD "ADONAY" AND "HASHEM" ARE USED. WHEN IS IT EVER PROPER TO SAY IF NOT EVEN ON A HOLY DAY IN A SANCTUARY? THOSE WHO DON'T MIND TRUTH WOULDN't MIND SEEING THE TRUE COLOR OF MOSES OR JESUS (BOTH WERE BLACK AFRICAN HEBREW ISRAELITES.) IT'S NOT AS MUCH WHO IS AND WHO ISN"T AS WHO DOES AND WHO DOESN"T(SAID RABBI TATE). ISAIAH 56- YAHWEH;S HOUSE WILL BE A HOUSE FOR ALL PEOPLE.